Functions classes

Every program needs to override two classes: ServerFunctions and ClientFunctions. Both inherit from the base class Functions. These classes define which functions are callable from the remote side.

Usage examples:

Version 1: Both classes in one file

class ServerFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    from Server import greet_client, server_faculty

class ClientFunctions(net.ClientFunctions):
    from Client import client_faculty, client_func

Version 2: server and client files are split

class ServerFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def dummy_function(x, y): ...

class ClientFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def client_function():
        return client.client_function()

class ServerFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def dummy_function(x, y):
        return server.dummy_function(x, y)

class ClientFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def client_function(): ...

Version 2.1: server and client files are split + mix 1 and 2

class ServerFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def dummy_function(x, y): ...

class ClientFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    from client import client_function

class ServerFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    from server import dummy_function

class ClientFunctions(net.ServerFunctions):
    def client_function(): ...

Which version to choose?

Version 1 is the preferred one because you only need to change one file, when you add/change a function.

Version 2 may be necessary when you don`t have the source code of the other side available, only the function names. This version might be useful for documentation all functions.

Version 2.1 is a bit less work, than Version 2, because not every function needs to be redefined.
