Next steps ============== File receiving ----------------- It is possible to send a file from client to server and server to client. The file data is exactly the same. Met data may be changed. Possible to keep meta data? Possible between different os? The file is sent in chunks. This will avoid huge memory usage. Every chunk is read sent and deleted. Then immediately written into the new file. As soon as a MetaFilePacket is received, the normal chunk receive process is paused and all new data is written to the file. The receive stuff is inside the open contextmanager to avoid rapid opening and closing of the file. Receive must also handle errors like general receive. Extract general stuff into function. Then have two functions. One receive packets the other receive files. What happens when the file is fully received and new Packet data arrives. Must be sent to the Packet receiver function. Important define how much bytes the socket should recv inside a loop. All other data is stored in a buffer and is translated to the packet function, when the file function finishes.